
RFC re-set & ready to rock n’ roll in 2022

Rainforest Challenge of Malaysia (RFC), the World’s No.3 of Top Five Toughest Offroad Races is at last, ready for the Battle of 4x4 Supremacy again, after a 2-year wait due to the pandemic.

25 rainforest challenge 2022

Set for 27 Nov to 8 Dec in peninsula Malaysia during the monsoon season where the toughest of the tough off-road warriors in R1 (prototype), R2 (modified) and R3 (standard) will have to face with both the stormy weather & the extreme racing at the same time. For those coming, these are among the bravest of the land daredevils, fully prepared in mind, body and machine to face “anything goes!”


This is also finale of RFC Global Series (RFCGS) where the top 4x4 teams from RFCGS events held worldwide during the year from Jan to Oct, will be making their date with racing and adventure in Malaysia and be counted in the world ranking of RFC Grand Final.

25 rainforest challenge 2022

RFC 25th anniversary, postponed in 2020 will now be celebrated with this 2022 event. This special edition will also include the off-road warriors from ATV/Quad and Enduro motorbike fraternity.


So, let’s be ready for 25RFC 2022 from 27Nov-8Dec for the “Battles of Battles” in the fight for off-road supremacy from the Rainforest Challenge of Malaysia.



- Shipping / Freight Handling: JIM Projects/Logistics: enquiry@jim.com.my kumar@jim.com.my , whatsapp tel: +60 12 647 9011.

- Registration: RFC International secretariat: rfc@rfc-global.com, fida@rfc-global.com, rfcwee@gmail.com.

Whatsapp tel: +6012 2117080 / + 6012 2772991.

- Website: www.rfc-global.com