At just 22 years old, Mathias Armand, the reigning Ultra4 Europe Stock class champion, is gearing up for his next big challenge: the Every Man Challenge at King of the Hammers 2025. Along with his team, 143 Motorsport, Mathias is set to take on one of the toughest offroad races in the world, bringing his European racing experience to the brutal terrain of Johnson Valley. Competing in the same Stock class where he triumphed in Europe, Mathias is ready to prove himself on the global stage.
Everyone knows everyting about King of the Hammers, its kings and how Ultra4 Racing was born. And what about Ultra4 Europe? Its kings and its champions? In this article I will try to tell you everything you need to know about Ultra4 Europe.
Nella Race of Kings, la gara conclusiva e più attesa della King of the Hammers, JP Gomez ha conquistato una stupenda vittoria risalendo dalla 99° posizione fino alla prima. Randy Slawson ha conquistato la Every Man Challenge, Kyle Chaney ha vinto per la quarta volta consegutiva la gara degli UTV e Christopher Polvoorde ha dominato nella Desert Challenge.
The Nitto Race of Kings proved to be an action-packed race of broken parts, crushed dreams, last-minute leader changes and absolute triumph for a select few. From a field of 116 competitors at the tough one-day race that traversed the desert sections and notoriously difficult rock trails of Johnson Valley, JP Gomez fought his way from the back of the pack to take the win after a dramatic day of racing at the grand finale.
From a 2007 challenge between friends to win a case of beer, over the years, the King of the Hammers has evolved into first becoming the toughest one-day offroad race in the world and then transforming into a more than week-long event involving every type of offroad vehicle. In this article of mine you will find everything you should know about the King of the Hammers and be ready to attend KOH 2024 which will take place from January 18th to February 3rd.
Everyone knows everyting about King of the Hammers, its kings and how Ultra4 Racing was born. And what about Ultra4 Europe? Its kings and its champions? In this article I will try to tell you everything you need to know about Ultra4 Europe.
Everyone knows everyting about King of the Hammers, its kings and how Ultra4 Racing was born. And what about Ultra4 Europe? Its kings and its champions? In this article I will try to tell you everything you need to know about Ultra4 Europe.
RBI Sport with Rallye Breslau and Ultra4 have joined forces to write an important new chapter in the history of the international off-road. This first step that Alex Kovatchev and Dave Cole have taken together is the prelude to a more assiduous and fruitful collaboration that will produce an incredible game changer in the off-road world in the future. 2023 will see the first step of this collaboration with the Ultra4 teams (European and American) who will participate in the Rallye Breslau.
Dal 28 gennaio al 5 febbraio si è svolta nella Johnson Valley (deserto del Mojave in California) la 16° edizione della King of the Hammers. Una settimana di gare, unica nel mondo dell'offroad, con i più famosi piloti a stelle e strisce delle varie discipline offroad che hanno offerto agli spettatori del lakebed e a chi ha seguito la diretta streaming uno spettacolo unico nel suo genere. Dan Fresh vince di nuovo la 4WP Every Man Challenge e Raul Gomez vince la Race of Kings diventando il nono RE.
From January 28 to February 5, the 16th edition of the King of the Hammers was staged in Johnson Valley (Mojave desert in California). A week of racing, unique in the off-road world, with the most famous stars and stripes drivers of the various offroad disciplines who offered spectators in the Lakebed and those who followed the live streaming a unique show of its kind. Dan Fresh Wins again at the 4WP Every Man Challenge and Raul Gomez wins the Race of Kings becoming the ninth KING.