Posts tagged with "jim marsden"

Ultra4 Europe: everything you need to know
English articles · 04. December 2023
Everyone knows everyting about King of the Hammers, its kings and how Ultra4 Racing was born. And what about Ultra4 Europe? Its kings and its champions? In this article I will try to tell you everything you need to know about Ultra4 Europe.
Mistress, l’ultimo amore di Jim Marsden
Articoli italiano · 18. July 2023
Vi presento Mistress, la nuova race car di Gigglepin Racing. Prendi un caffè, una birra o semplicemente siediti e scopri tutti i secreti del nuovo amore di Jim Marsden costruita attorno ad un telaio della Miller Motorsports e con un performante V8 LS7 da 625 cavalli.

Mistress, Jim Marsden's last love
English articles · 18. July 2023
Meet Mistress, the new race car from Gigglepin Racing. Grab a coffee, a beer or just sit down and discover all the secrets of Jim Marsden's new love built around a Miller Motorsports chassis and with a high-performance 625 horsepower LS7 V8.
Ultra4 Europe: everything you need to know
English articles · 20. April 2023
Everyone knows everyting about King of the Hammers, its kings and how Ultra4 Racing was born. And what about Ultra4 Europe? Its kings and its champions? In this article I will try to tell you everything you need to know about Ultra4 Europe.

King of France and Ultra4 Europe 2022 championship
English articles · 27. May 2022
The Center Tout Terrain of Montalieu Vercieu (F) will host for the second time an Ultra4 Europe race. The French location, on the left side of the Rhone, is an perfect terrain for the Ultra4 rigs. The King of France will take place from June 10 to 12 in the Center Tout Terrain Vallée Bleue near Lyon.
Articoli italiano · 07. October 2020
Correre è vita! Per Ultra4 Europe è essenziale poter far correre i propri piloti e per questo motivo, appena la pandemia lo ha permesso, ha organizzato prima la BF Goodrich King of Britain ed ora la BF Goodrich Essenzial. La gara, una tra le più dure, si è svolta al Kirton Off Road Centre ed ha visto Kieran Dunlop vincere nella categoria Ultra4 mentre Allen Sharp ha dominato e vinto la Winch Rallye Raid.

English articles · 06. October 2020
Racing is life! For Ultra4 Europe it is essential to be able to let its drivers race and for this reason, as soon as the pandemic allowed it, it organized first the BF Goodrich King of Britain and now the BF Goodrich Essenzial. The race, one of the toughest, took place at the Kirton Off Road Center and saw Kieran Dunlop win the Ultra4 category while Allen Sharp dominated and won the Winch Rallye Raid.
English articles · 21. September 2020
On Tuesday September 15, almost 250 teams from at least 20 nationalities will start for the Rallye Breslau Poland. Five days, with roadbooks through the forests and across the fields and moorland - an adventure that has its roots in the previous century and has been in Poland for over 25 years. There is no summer without the Rallye Breslau in this region, and luckily this year is no exception. Jim Marsden won in the Extreme car category while Frank Stensky won in the Cross Country car category.

English articles · 12. August 2020
When it seemed like 2020 was a sabbatical year for Jim Marsden as he didn't have a racing car, fate reserved an unexpected opportunity for him. His old race car was for sale and he didn't miss the opportunity to bring it home. Like a "bad penny" that you always find in your hands even when you don't expect it, Jim Marsden has renewed its "new old" Defender to participate, dominate and win the BF Goodrich King of Britain.
Articoli italiano · 11. August 2020
Quando sembrava che per Jim Marsden il 2020 fosse un anno sabbatico in quanto sprovvisto di macchina da gara, il destino gli ha riservato una inaspettata opportunità. La sua vecchia macchina da gara era in vendita e non si è fatto perdere l’occasione di riportarsela a casa. Come un “bad penny” che ti ritrovi sempre tra le mani anche quando non te lo aspetti, Jim Marsden ha rimesso a nuovo la sua “nuova vecchia” Defender per partecipare, dominare e vincere la BF Goodrich King of Britain.

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