Posts tagged with "the jessi combs foundation"

Amber Turner alla King of the Hammers EMC con un piccolo Suzuki Samurai
Articoli italiano · 17. February 2021
La Johnson Valley è quel luogo unico dove al fianco dei potenti Ultra4 da 800 cavalli troviamo in gara piccoli team con grandi sogni. E’ questo il caso di Amber Turner che ha partecipato All’Every Man Challenge con un piccolo Suzuki Samurai ispirata dalle gesta di Jessi Combs.
Amber Turner competing at King of the Hammers EMC with a small Suzuki Samurai
English articles · 16. February 2021
Johnson Valley is that unique place where alongside the powerful 800 horsepower Ultra4 vehicles we find small teams with big dreams competing. This is the case of Amber Turner who participated in the Every Man Challenge with a small Suzuki Samurai inspired by the exploits of Jessi Combs.

Articoli italiano · 24. June 2020
Il Guinness World Records ha ufficializzato la velocità di 841.338 km/h (522.783 mph) raggiunta da Jessi Comps lo scorso agosto nel deserto di Alvord in Oregon. Jessi, è riuscita a battere il record stabilito nel 1976 da Kitty O'Neil diventando postuma la donna più veloce al mondo.
English articles · 24. June 2020
Guinness World Records has made official the speed of 841.338 km/h (522.783 mph) reached by Jessi Comps last August in the Alvord desert in Oregon. Jessi managed to break the record set in 1976 by Kitty O'Neil becoming the fastest woman in the world.

English articles · 19. September 2019
"I ask that… all of you celebrate my life and everything I stand for. I ask that you do everything in your power to share my mission, what I put my entire life on the line for. To reveal to this world what they are capable of, by showing them the confidence and abilities they already possess.” – Jessi Combs