Posts tagged with "ultra4"

La storia completa dell’epica King of France locked by ARB
Articoli italiano · 20. June 2024
Che gara! Un percorso epico, incredibile, che mescolava tratti molto veloci e zone rocciose molto tecniche. Le prime impressioni dei piloti sono tutte positive su questo terreno davvero ideale per ospitare la King of France locked by ARB. Nicolas Montador non si è sbagliato nella sua scelta e nella sua visione. Ottima prestazione di tutti gli italiani in gara, tra cui spiccano Nikoley Elistratov / Licia Cornali e Andrea Calandri / Mariana Nadkernychna rispettivamente primi e secondi nella 4900.
The full story of an epic King of France locked by ARB
English articles · 19. June 2024
What a race! An epic, incredible course, mixing very fast portions and very technical rocky areas. The first impressions of the pilots are all positive on this terrain which is really ideal for hosting the King of France locked by ARB. Nicolas Montador was not mistaken in his choice and vision. Chris Bowler was able to highlight the geography of the place to offer a tailor-made race track with just the right amount of difficulty to satisfy everyone. Now the waiting is for 2025!

Ultra4 Europe, introducing the event schedule for 2024
English articles · 04. December 2023
We are thrilled to present the 2024 Ultra4 Europe events schedule. Get ready for some heart-pounding action and exhilarating races! These races will bring together the best teams from across Europe, all pushing their limits in off-road racing. Witness the power and skill of these drivers as they navigate challenging terrains and compete for the coveted titles.
Ultra4 Europe: everything you need to know
English articles · 04. December 2023
Everyone knows everyting about King of the Hammers, its kings and how Ultra4 Racing was born. And what about Ultra4 Europe? Its kings and its champions? In this article I will try to tell you everything you need to know about Ultra4 Europe.

Ultra4 Europe: everything you need to know
English articles · 20. April 2023
Everyone knows everyting about King of the Hammers, its kings and how Ultra4 Racing was born. And what about Ultra4 Europe? Its kings and its champions? In this article I will try to tell you everything you need to know about Ultra4 Europe.
WSR 500 IFS V8, Nicolas Montador's new frontier
English articles · 15. April 2023
The Frenchman Nicolas Montador is not only an excellent driver but with his WSR Off Road he is also a talented builder of off-road vehicles in the Ultra4 style. At the Fenix Rally 2023 I was able to see his latest creation in the race: the WSR 500 IFS V8. In this article I will reveal all the secrets of this vehicle to you.

WSR 500 IFS V8, la nuova frontiera costruttiva di Nicolas Montador
Articoli italiano · 13. April 2023
Il francese Nicolas Montador non è solo un ottimo pilota ma con la sua WSR Off Road è anche un talentuoso costruttore di veicoli fuoristrada in stile Ultra4. Al Fenix Rally 2023 ho potuto vedere in gara la sua ultima creazione: il WSR 500 IFS V8. In questo articolo vi svelerò tutti i segreti di questo veicolo.
Ultra4 Europe, the 2023 Season is Ready to Kick Off
English articles · 05. April 2023
The 2023 Ultra4 Europe season is ready to start with lots of exciting news that will make this year unique and adrenaline-pumping. It's time to put the dates of the events on your calendar and prepare to have an exceptional time with the toughest and most extraordinary offroad races in Europe. For the first time, 9 races will take place in 2023, divided into three championships!

King of the Hammers 2023, storia dell'evento offroad più grande al mondo
Articoli italiano · 14. February 2023
Nata nel 2007 come una sfida tra 12 amici per vincere una cassa di birra, oggi la King of the Hammers é diventata non solo la gara offroad di un giorno più dura al mondo ma anche, grazie ai quasi mille iscritti, l'evento offroad più grande al mondo. Dalle moto ai performanti Ultra4 passando per i veloci Desert Truck, la King of the Hammers é un evento difficile da spiegare se almeno una volta nella tua vita non sei stato nel Lakebed. Raul Gomez conquista la sua seconda corona consecutiva.
2023 King of the Hammers, story of the most massive offroad motorsport event in the world
English articles · 14. February 2023
Born in 2007 as a challenge between 12 friends to win a case of beer, today the King of the Hammers has become not only the toughest one-day offroad race in the world but also, thanks to almost a thousand entrants, the largest offroad event big in the world. King of the Hammers is a difficult event to explain if you haven't been to the Lakebed at least once in your life. Raul Gomez captures his 2nd consecutive crown at the Nitto Race of Kings.

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