Posts tagged with "hammertown"

Mathias' Next Challenge: King of the Hammers 2025
English articles · 10. December 2024
At just 22 years old, Mathias Armand, the reigning Ultra4 Europe Stock class champion, is gearing up for his next big challenge: the Every Man Challenge at King of the Hammers 2025. Along with his team, 143 Motorsport, Mathias is set to take on one of the toughest offroad races in the world, bringing his European racing experience to the brutal terrain of Johnson Valley. Competing in the same Stock class where he triumphed in Europe, Mathias is ready to prove himself on the global stage.
King of the Hammers 2023, storia dell'evento offroad più grande al mondo
Articoli italiano · 14. February 2023
Nata nel 2007 come una sfida tra 12 amici per vincere una cassa di birra, oggi la King of the Hammers é diventata non solo la gara offroad di un giorno più dura al mondo ma anche, grazie ai quasi mille iscritti, l'evento offroad più grande al mondo. Dalle moto ai performanti Ultra4 passando per i veloci Desert Truck, la King of the Hammers é un evento difficile da spiegare se almeno una volta nella tua vita non sei stato nel Lakebed. Raul Gomez conquista la sua seconda corona consecutiva.

2023 King of the Hammers, story of the most massive offroad motorsport event in the world
English articles · 14. February 2023
Born in 2007 as a challenge between 12 friends to win a case of beer, today the King of the Hammers has become not only the toughest one-day offroad race in the world but also, thanks to almost a thousand entrants, the largest offroad event big in the world. King of the Hammers is a difficult event to explain if you haven't been to the Lakebed at least once in your life. Raul Gomez captures his 2nd consecutive crown at the Nitto Race of Kings.
King of the Hammers 2022: una settimana di gare indimenticabili e uniche
Articoli italiano · 11. February 2022
Dal 28 gennaio al 5 febbraio si è svolta nella Johnson Valley (deserto del Mojave in California) la 16° edizione della King of the Hammers. Una settimana di gare, unica nel mondo dell'offroad, con i più famosi piloti a stelle e strisce delle varie discipline offroad che hanno offerto agli spettatori del lakebed e a chi ha seguito la diretta streaming uno spettacolo unico nel suo genere. Dan Fresh vince di nuovo la 4WP Every Man Challenge e Raul Gomez vince la Race of Kings diventando il nono RE.

2022 King of the Hammers: an unforgettable and unique week of racing
English articles · 10. February 2022
From January 28 to February 5, the 16th edition of the King of the Hammers was staged in Johnson Valley (Mojave desert in California). A week of racing, unique in the off-road world, with the most famous stars and stripes drivers of the various offroad disciplines who offered spectators in the Lakebed and those who followed the live streaming a unique show of its kind. Dan Fresh Wins again at the 4WP Every Man Challenge and Raul Gomez wins the Race of Kings becoming the ninth KING.
Amber Turner alla King of the Hammers EMC con un piccolo Suzuki Samurai
Articoli italiano · 17. February 2021
La Johnson Valley è quel luogo unico dove al fianco dei potenti Ultra4 da 800 cavalli troviamo in gara piccoli team con grandi sogni. E’ questo il caso di Amber Turner che ha partecipato All’Every Man Challenge con un piccolo Suzuki Samurai ispirata dalle gesta di Jessi Combs.

Amber Turner competing at King of the Hammers EMC with a small Suzuki Samurai
English articles · 16. February 2021
Johnson Valley is that unique place where alongside the powerful 800 horsepower Ultra4 vehicles we find small teams with big dreams competing. This is the case of Amber Turner who participated in the Every Man Challenge with a small Suzuki Samurai inspired by the exploits of Jessi Combs.
Randy Slawson Wins The World’s Hardest One Day Off-Road Race & Takes Home His Third Crown
English articles · 07. February 2021
King of the Hammers has a reputation as the most difficult one day off-road race in the world, pushing team and machine to their breaking point, and beyond. Attrition in 2021 was as high as ever, with only 37 of 84 competitors reaching the finish line within the 14-hour time limit. Randy Slawson wins the King of the Hammers, fast qualifier JP Gomez and his brother Raul Gomez rounded out the podium in their single-seat in second and third position.

The Young Gun Chayse Caprara Takes the Victory at 4WP Every Man Challenge
English articles · 06. February 2021
4WP Every Man Challenge, the punishing 121-mile course consisted of whooped out roads and high-speed lakebeds on the first lap, and some of the hardest rock crawling canyons in the world on the second lap, with only 37 out of the 115 vehicles that took the green flag crossing the finish line within the eleven-hour time limit. Chayse Caprara Takes the Victory at 4WP Every Man Challenge.
Kyle Chaney won the 2021 Can-Am UTV King of the Hammers Presented by Progressive
English articles · 05. February 2021
There is no denying that the volume of UTVs are taking over the desert. The Can-Am UTV King of the Hammers Presented by Progressive proves that with 113 cars taking the start. However, King of the Hammers is known as the most brutal one-day race for a reason. 46 vehicles finished. Kyle Chaney Tops An All Can-Am Podium.

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