Posts tagged with "man"

OME Nitrocharger Plus: gli ammortizzatori progettati per ogni avventura scelti da 4 Technique
Articoli italiano · 20. January 2025
Che si tratti della guida quotidiana in città o di avventure offroad su terreni impegnativi, l’affidabilità e il comfort del veicolo dipendono anche dagli ammortizzatori. Gli Old Man Emu Nitrocharger Plus, storico prodotto proposto da 4 Technique, sono progettati per offrire un equilibrio ideale tra prestazioni e comfort, rappresentando una scelta eccellente per chi cerca il massimo della versatilità e precisione.
Prorogata fino a fine novembre la Promo Autunnale Old Man Emu by 4 Technique
Articoli italiano · 01. November 2024
Prorogata fino al 30 novembre 2024 la promo autunnale di ARB, acquista da 4 Technique un kit sospensioni OME e ricevi un'ascia Fiskars a marchio Old Man Emu in omaggio, oltre a uno sticker esclusivo!

The hardest trial in Europe is back for the 2022 season
English articles · 10. May 2022
“Since 1989, Europe Truck Trial offers exciting competitions with serial Trucks and prototypes across Europe. This year we visit many successful current venues and this time also some classics from the past years. It again passes through five different countries in Europe. Truck Trial to impress not only the action also connect people and friends and fans. We wish you all a good timely planning of the season 2022. See you at the Truck Trial!” The OVS, commissioners and Marshalls.
The hardest trial in Europe! Europa Truck Trial goes into the 32 season!
English articles · 19. April 2021
“Since 1989, Europe Truck Trial offers exciting competitions with serial Trucks and prototypes across Europe. This year we visit many successful current venues and this time also some classics from the past years. It again passes through five different countries in Europe. Truck Trial to impress not only the action also connect people and friends and fans. We wish you all a good timely planning of the season 2021. See you at the Truck Trial!”

English articles · 09. December 2020
Since 1989, Europe Truck Trial offers exciting competitions with serial Trucks and prototypes across Europe. If you like driving precision, if you want to see a vehicle grappling with unthinkable obstacles and if you think that a truck can't overcome gravity, then the Europa Truck Trial is the one for you! Here the 2021 Europa Truck Trial events calendar.
Articoli italiano · 09. December 2020
Dal 1989, l'Europa Truck Trial offre, in tutta Europa, gare emozionanti con i camion di serie e prototipi. L’organizzatore OVS ha presentato il calendario della stagione 2021.

Articoli italiano · 17. June 2020
L’Europa Truck Trial è il campionato europeo di fuoristrada più longevo. Dal 1989, anno della prima gara che si è svolta in Francia a Steinbourg, questi funamboli dei piccoli, grandi e enormi camion hanno attraversato l’Europa con i loro adrenalinici eventi. L’abilità di guida, la precisione delle traiettorie e la costante lotta contro la gravità sono sempre stati il leitmotiv che hanno firmato ogni edizione dell’Europa Truck Trial.
English articles · 17. June 2020
Europa Truck Trial is the longest-running European off-road championship. Since 1989, the year of the first race which took place in France in Steinbourg, these acrobats of small, large and huge trucks have crossed Europe with their adrenaline-pumping events. Driving skills, the precision of trajectories and the constant fight against gravity have always been the leitmotiv that have signed every edition of the Europa Truck Trial.

English articles · 07. April 2020
Since 1989, Europe Truck Trial offers exciting competitions with serial Trucks and prototypes across Europe. Jurgen Funke is one of the organizers and is also one of the veteran drivers of this discipline. With this interview I want to celebrate his birthday. Best wishes Jurgen!
English articles · 06. December 2019
“Since 1989, Europe Truck Trial offers exciting competitions with serial Trucks and prototypes across Europe. This year we visit many successful current venues and this time also some classics from the past years. It again passes through five different countries in Europe. Truck Trial to impress not only the action also connect people and friends and fans. We wish you all a good timely planning of the season 2020. See you at the Truck Trial!” The OVS, commissioners and Marshalls.

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