Posts tagged with "race"

King of The Hammers 2025: evething you need to know
English articles · 16. December 2024
From a 2007 challenge between friends to win a case of beer, over the years, the King of the Hammers has evolved into first becoming the toughest one-day offroad race in the world and then transforming into a more than week-long event involving every type of offroad vehicle. In this article of mine you will find everything you should know about the King of the Hammers and be ready to attend KOH 2025 which will take place from January 22nd to February 8th.
The true story of King of the Hammers
English articles · 14. December 2024
The friends off-road battle for a case of beer, it's as much of a festival and celebration of all-things off-road as it is a race, despite races taking place, has transformed into a weeklong annual bash that brings upward of 50,000 people from all over the globe to gather in the California desert. Today, the King of the Hammers has achieved a huge reputation among all offroad enthusiasts. But who really knows how KOH was born?

Articoli italiano · 01. June 2020
Oggi, la King of the Hammers ha raggiunto un'enorme notorietà tra gli appassionati di fuoristrada di tutto il mondo. Ma chi conosce veramente come è nata la KOH?
English articles · 01. June 2020
The friends off-road battle for a case of beer, it's as much of a festival and celebration of all-things off-road as it is a race, despite races taking place, has transformed into a weeklong annual bash that brings upward of 50,000 people from all over the globe to gather in the California desert. Today, the King of the Hammers has achieved a huge reputation among all offroad enthusiasts. But who really knows how KOH was born?

English articles · 17. September 2019
Why me? David Robson's answer that he gave me when I asked him to do this interview. A few modest words which perfectly portray one of the Ultra4 Europe pillars. In this article we will know not only find out the Robson representative of U4E but also the man David.
English articles · 27. August 2019
From 4 to 7 September 2019, Vimioso (P) will host the seventh edition of the King of Portugal. Its fast tracks and the dreaded Dinosaur Eggs are a guarantee of an absolute spectacle. The BF Goodrich King of Portugal, the penultimate race of the 2019 Ultra4 Europe championship, will award important points to designate the 2019 European champion.

English articles · 12. April 2019
Emily Miller, founder of Rebelle Rally, returned to Morocco after a few years to participate in the Carta Rallye. Along with Lilly Macaruso, Emily showed all his qualities of driver triumphed in this new experience. This victory goes to enrich the long and prestigious palmares of Emily Miller.
English articles · 16. November 2018
REBELLE RALLY 2019 DATES CONFIRMED. Competition dates are set for October 10th-19th, 2019. Registration is open NOW, with an early registration discount until March 1st.

English articles · 16. November 2018
Balkan Offroad Rallye in Bulgaria, 14th to 20th September 2019! We deliver you the ultimate offroad-adventure! For the upcoming 9th edition, RBI is introducing light but important updates of the event program that will make the rally more comfortable for the participants, especially for the ones arriving from far away. Fine tuning on the timing and optimizing the procedures will allow us to start on Saturday, finish on Friday and use the weekend after for sharing time with the family and relax.
English articles · 16. November 2018
Come on a weekend, race all the week, leave on a weekend! Following the principle "less is more", Rallye Breslau Poland 2019 will be a 5-day event! Come on a weekend, race all the week, leave on a weekend! All the good will stay in a highly concentrated concept.

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