Posts tagged with "world land speed record"

English articles · 19. September 2019
"I ask that… all of you celebrate my life and everything I stand for. I ask that you do everything in your power to share my mission, what I put my entire life on the line for. To reveal to this world what they are capable of, by showing them the confidence and abilities they already possess.” – Jessi Combs
English articles · 01. September 2019
She left us doing what she loved most! Jessi Combs has always pursued her dream in the motoring world by making it a true lifestyle and inspiring many women who shared the same passion with her. From the sky she continues to race for all of us!

Articoli italiano · 01. September 2019
Ci ha lasciato facendo quello che più amava! Jessi Combs ha sempre rincorso il suo sogno nel mondo dei motori facendone un vero e proprio stile di vita ed ispirando molte donne che condividevano con lei la stessa passione. Da lassù continua a correre per tutti noi!