Posts tagged with "total chaos fabrication"

English articles · 19. November 2019
The fifth edition of Rebelle Rally will take place from 8 to 17 October 2020. Rebelle Rally is a race, a journey and an inner voyage that can change your life.
English articles · 28. October 2019
“Total Chaos Fabrication builds what I believe is the best aftermarket suspension components available and is woman owned” - Emily Miller. Total Chaos is fully involved in the Rebelle Rally both as event partner and in the competition with 5 teams whose cars are modified with its products. Let's find out the details of this interesting story.

Articoli italiano · 24. October 2019
Una gara, un viaggio ed un percorso interiore. Il Rebelle Rally per la sua quarta edizione ha messo ancora una volta alla prova i 38 equipaggi femminili che hanno percorso, con il solo ausilio di mappe e bussola, 2300 km attraverso i più bei luoghi del west americano.
English articles · 24. October 2019
A race, a journey and an inner voyage. The Rebelle Rally for its fourth edition once again tested the 38 female crews who traveled, with the only help of maps and compass, 2300 km through the most beautiful places in the American west.

English articles · 12. April 2019
Emily Miller, founder of Rebelle Rally, returned to Morocco after a few years to participate in the Carta Rallye. Along with Lilly Macaruso, Emily showed all his qualities of driver triumphed in this new experience. This victory goes to enrich the long and prestigious palmares of Emily Miller.
English articles · 26. August 2018
Nicole Pitell-Vaughan, the Queen of Chaos, drove the entire 530 miles distance of Vegas to Reno (the longest offroad race in America) as the only driver of the Total Chaos team. With her co-pilote Tim Schrader they ranked 5th in the 7200 category. Excellent result that highlights the excellent performance of the Californian company's products specialized in suspension kit and accessories for Toyota off-road vehicles.

Articoli italiano · 26. August 2018
Nicole Pitell-Vaughan, the Queen of Chaos, ha guidato come unico pilota del team Total Chaos l’intera distanza di 530 miglia della Vegas to Reno; la più lunga gara offroad d’America. Con il suo navigatore Tim Schrader si sono classificati 5° nella categoria 7200. Ottimo risultato che evidenzia l’ottima performance dei prodotti dell’azienda californiana specializzata in kit di sospensioni ed accessori per i fuoristrada Toyota.