Posts tagged with "wsr"

La storia completa dell’epica King of France locked by ARB
Articoli italiano · 20. June 2024
Che gara! Un percorso epico, incredibile, che mescolava tratti molto veloci e zone rocciose molto tecniche. Le prime impressioni dei piloti sono tutte positive su questo terreno davvero ideale per ospitare la King of France locked by ARB. Nicolas Montador non si è sbagliato nella sua scelta e nella sua visione. Ottima prestazione di tutti gli italiani in gara, tra cui spiccano Nikoley Elistratov / Licia Cornali e Andrea Calandri / Mariana Nadkernychna rispettivamente primi e secondi nella 4900.
The full story of an epic King of France locked by ARB
English articles · 19. June 2024
What a race! An epic, incredible course, mixing very fast portions and very technical rocky areas. The first impressions of the pilots are all positive on this terrain which is really ideal for hosting the King of France locked by ARB. Nicolas Montador was not mistaken in his choice and vision. Chris Bowler was able to highlight the geography of the place to offer a tailor-made race track with just the right amount of difficulty to satisfy everyone. Now the waiting is for 2025!

English articles · 12. June 2019
Kerry Hufton, after a long love affair with Ultra4 Europe, made her debut as co-pilot at BF Goodrich King of Spain Les Comes. It is certainly not the first woman to sit next to the pilot in an Ultra4 rig but it is interesting to feel her story and her impressions just after her first time in a race.
Articoli italiano · 05. January 2019
I francesi Aurelien Sagar e Jeremy Gauche hanno vinto il campionato europeo 2018 di Ultra4 Europe nella categoria Stock a bordo di un Defender preparato da WSR. In questo articolo scopriremo i segreti di questo 4x4 ed anche come è facile gareggiare in questo tipo di gare nella classe Stock.

English articles · 05. January 2019
The French Aurelien Sagar and Jeremy Gauche won the 2018 European championship of Ultra4 Europe in the Stock category with a Defender build by WSR. In this article we will discover the secrets of this car and also how easy it is to compete in this kind of races in the Stock class.
English articles · 23. November 2018
Let's continue our journey into the world of Ultra4 Europe by introducing the French Nicolas Montador and the rig with which he will participate in the King of the Hammers 2019. Nicolas has moved from stuntman and restorer of old cars to Ultra4 prototype builder and top driver of Ultra4 Europe.

Articoli italiano · 23. November 2018
Continuiamo il nostro viaggio nel mondo di Ultra4 Europe presentandovi il francese Nicolas Montador ed il prototipo con il quale parteciperà alla King of the Hammers 2019. Nicolas è passato da stuntman e restauratore di vecchie auto a costruttore di tubolari Ultra4 e pilota di punta di Ultra4 Europe.